Annabelle d'Huart

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2016 – Piasa exposition, “Oeuvres sur papier, photographies, bijoux”

From May 13th to May 27th.

Description: Works on paper, photographs, jewellery, tapestry. This show snapped a panoramic view of her work to showing its coherence.

The highlight of the exhibition were the works on paper. Between 2009 and 2012, Annabelle d’Huart produced a collection series of large-scale pencil drawings on Ingres and Korean paper, titled Sea Princesses (192 x 156 cm). The drawings are strikingly delicate and complicated. From far, Sea Princesses appear blurry, as if she managed to capture mist or a cloud on the paper. Up close however, the work comes into focus and evolves into an extremely complicated medley of pearls, bubbles and curves. The series was on show at Piasa in 2016 (White cube gallery), and at the Pierre-Alain Challier Gallery in 2019.

Location: Piasa-Le Cube, Paris.

I Drawing, pencil, Corean paper. 192 X 156 cm (frame included).
II Drawing, pencil, Corean paper. 192 X 156 cm (frame included).
III Drawing,pencil, Ingres paper. 121 X 81 cm (frame included).
IV Drawing,pencil, Ingres paper. 121 X 81 cm (frame included).
V Drawing,pencil, Ingres paper. 121 X 81 cm (frame included).
VI Drawing,pencil, Ingres paper. 121 X 81 cm (frame included).
VII Drawing,pencil, Ingres paper. 121 X 81 cm (frame included).
VIII Drawing,pencil, Ingres paper. 121 X 81 cm (frame included).
IX Drawing,pencil, Ingres paper. 121 X 81 cm (frame included).
X Drawing,pencil, Ingres paper. 121 X 81 cm (frame included).
Dossier de presse