Annabelle d'Huart

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2021 – La table contemporaine

From May 25th to July 24th

The art of the table in its highest expression.

Echoing the Sèvres Musée de la céramique show À Table, Le repas, tout un art, La table contemporaine exhibition features unique tableware, reflecting the importance of graphic research and its relationship to form in the productions of the Manufacture de Sèvres. The production at Sèvres is more akin to sculptures than utilitarian pieces. It is probably the only factory in the world where cups are made by turning and plates by jiggering. The execution of their decorations is no less exceptional, revealing the multiple skills required for the application of colours and precious metals. Gold is the common thread running through these decorations testifying to the expertise of the Manufacture’s craftsmen. The brilliant creations of the graphic designer Philippe Apeloig the artist Annabelle d’Huart, or the living natural treasure Kunihiko Moriguchi, reveal very different universes, all of which are based on the virtuosity of the Sèvres craftsmen while remaining faithful to the institution’s heritage.