1998-2003 Déesses
Dates: 1998 – 2003
Fourteen bronze sculptures painted off white. Produced in 2000 and photographed in 2003. Private collection, London. The sculptures are between 170 cm and 180 cm high and their socle is 128 cm long.
Each print is numbered 1 to 3, and keeps the same scale as the sculptures.
“The stars are like a collection of needle points,
ready to fall down at the slightest disturbance.”
Isaac Newton
The installation is inspired by Isaac Newton’s quotation:
By suggesting that stars are fragile, that a kind of flickering goes hand in hand with their sparkling, that their equilibrium—and ours—is so precarious, Goddesses is making a reference to two fundamental facts of our time: fragility and precision. Combining such conflicting forms is meant to create a certain tension in their perception.
Each of the sculptures is edged, slashed, impaired in its medium as if at the most critical point of its deployment. This puts into perspective a series of symbols whose paradoxical proximity is resolved by a plastic solution.