2009 – “Sea Princesses”
Drawings, some more opaque than transparent, diaphanous grisailles, like a vaporized sky where the polished, fluid clouds will be sucked up by an airstream.
Static drawings opening out onto tiny, endless eddies in which are forming, condensing and fusing worlds that expand infinitely, composed of a myriad of small drops: cosmic steam becoming visible as it spreads.
Flat line drawings lacking relief or shadows that—just like the pupil of the viewer—seem to dilate, like a breath that could have produced that steam, a thin mist inspired by the Leonardo de Vinci imbroglios.
White of the paper, all around, a great, pearly space ready to swallow them up like Mirò’s monument erected in the middle of the ocean to the glory of the wind or hair pursued by two planets or even his drop of water on pink snow.